Daron, Melanie, Stephen, Kassie, and Kenny

Friday, September 13, 2019

Candytopia, California, Alice in Wonderland, and Steevie calls home!

Our first vacation without Stephen... Candytopia in Houston! Missing him but loving hearing from him weekly! 

 Loved  skype calling from the Guatemala City MTC, showing him how Kassie took over his room!
Cousin Gavin roomed with Kenny at EFY then they did Grease the show together!




Fun California getaway! Best part: talking with Stephen ON THE AIRPLANE for our weekly chat!

Cute Kas - putting the FIRST FLAG in the "DONE" CUP! 1 month down, just a few more to go... 
She's taken over Stephen's power washing jobs, yay!

Kenny loved trying out fencing with Shep!

Best first mission email title: "MTC So Far... I love my mother so much!"

Hey everyone! Guatemala MTC is crazy! But I am loving it so much! The Spanish is coming along very well and that is in part because all the teachers try their hardest to make everything Spanish only, so that is always a challenge haha! The food is amazing and the variety here is incredible! There are many new fruits and vegetables to try! The CCM is very fun to explore and there are many fun activites to do! We all love sports here so there is lots of volleyball and basketball to play. We went to the temple today for the first time and it was an amazing expierience! I am in Amos district and we are all a good bunch of guys, about 8 Elders, and 2 sisters. Our teachers are amazing and they are super fun to work with. I am missing all of you guys dearly! We wake up at 6 20 AM in the morning and go to bed at 10 30 so the days are long and full of work! They also have us reading the book of mormon in 20 days! It is amazing to be studying the gospel in Spanish! They also have us working with the latinos here who speak Spanish to hone our own, so that makes for some fun experiences. There are several guys and girls here going to Retalhuleu in 5 weeks with me so we are all becoming good friends. My testimony of the gift of tongues is very strong because none of us should be where we are with our languages, except by the power of the holy ghost. I only had a few minutes to type this up because time is short but I wanted to get this update out! The work of the Lord here is real and I am so excited to be part of it! 
Culture Highlight
- I got up in front of several zones to share a testimony (because my DL was inspired to have me share) and I went on to testify that I know Jesus Christ atoned for our fishes...very similar pronuncian to sins apparently haha
Food Highlight
- There is some kinda spiky hairy fruit that they serve us during meal times. It is actually super sweet once you peel it and I may or may not become a stuggling addict soon
Gospel Highlight
- Learning to share my testimony in Spanish has made me so much stronger and I have truly grown to trust the Lord!

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