Daron, Melanie, Stephen, Kassie, and Kenny

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Kenny’s mission call to Argentina! All-State, Prom, Stevie, Kas & Tanya

Kenny is excited to serve a Mission in Argentina! He begins June 3 in Rosario— close to where sweet Grandpa Stephen Schmutz served 60 years ago in Buenos Aires. ❤️🇦🇷 Reading Kenny’s call will always be a fun memory— he was home from school on heavy narcotics after wisdom teeth extraction surgery… so we FaceTimed Daron at work and his siblings at BYU! “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them!” 2 Kings 6:16 
Love good Bishop Workman who helped him get here❤️

From Bishop Eulitt: Kenny, congrats on your mission call…Your kind and willing heart paired with your willing hands will make you a great missionary!
From Grandpa Stephen’s mission journal:
“We knocked on 164 Doors but nobody listened to us”

Performing with the Allstate choir! Such an honor, competed against tens of thousands of students across Texas and placed in the top!




Cutest PROM couple ever❤️ Andrea


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