Daron, Melanie, Stephen, Kassie, and Kenny

Monday, August 31, 2015

Last of the summer playtime!

Kenny belts up to Blue Belt! He loves karate... http://youtu.be/xvs3TCtMpFU  and drums!

RootsTech -- Kenny was the youngest learner there!

Datenights celebrating Daron's bday ~ wahoo!

Random fire-hydrant playing!

Cute Grandma and Grandpa taking the granddaughters out for a date!

Back to school Father's Blessings -- beautiful inspiring words for our Klein High School freshman, 7th grader at Doerre Intermediate, and homeschooling 4th grader.

Friday, August 14, 2015

A fabulous summer drawing to a close...

Annual Grandkids Back-to-school lunch! Mom and Dad are the cutest to do this for us! 

Kassie was in a boating/tubing accident at a lakehouse in Austin during a YW overnighter activity. It was so frightening ~ 5 girls were thrown from a tube 9 feet in the air after hitting a huge wave going 20mph, and they collided in the air and crashed down on top of Kas in the water. She says she's sure she would've died without her life jacket ~ she blacked out twice, couldn't breathe, feel her arm, or move her ribs. We raced up to get her and took her to the ER where they did xrays and cat scans til 4am. Then they ambulanced her to a hospital where she stayed for 3 days on morphine ~ only takeaway injury was a lacerated spleen. We were so grateful it wasn't worse. She gets to lay very low for 8 wks for the 4cm tear to heal. So she'll be going out for basketball this year instead of volleyball, which starts in a week when school starts. Aunt Breanna wisely said maybe there's some reason she wasn't supposed to play volleyball... in every way we were blessed that this injury wasn't worse than it was! Lots of kind well-wishers and yummy treats... so many thoughtful people loving her!



And precious Elder Sterling Boyd departs on his Mission to Logan, Utah!! Lots of tears... joy at his great choice, and missing him already!

Stephen's first wrestling match with Cousin Cannon... as Elder Boyd watches on!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The last Chalk to marry...a wonderful Utah trip!

We had a fabulous time playing with Daron's family in Utah -- great people and timeless memories. A rare moment to have all 11 Chalk siblings together ~ including Judean and her kids from Kazakhstan! Loved the mountains, cool air, inflatable bouncy house laketime (https://youtu.be/vpotXjfarSo), football throwing park time, BYU bookstore shopping, foosball in a huge fun rental mansion, and most of all NIGHT TIME sibling scary story telling! Ahhh the legendary tales over years from these amazing brothers and sisters. A major highlight was bumping into the Studio C cast... Kas was a total cutie groupie! (https://youtu.be/SxO3AMYVV9I) Here's cute Taya reciting the cutest poem she gave in Stake Conf: http://youtu.be/lyTzBHuEx_g.


Stephen and Dustin trying to squeeze into any shade spot they can!

Good times at the Eden Rental house ~ especially the infamous Bachelor Talk/Party!


Searching for the mouse that Shelley saw run across her floor when she was putting baby Carver to sleep -- yikies! We caught it!!


 Exploring BYU campus and good old Brick Oven!

Kassie's ULTIMATE highlight -- bumping into Studio C cast! She couldn't stop crying tears of joy!