The top of the Schilthorn and the Jungfrau in background
OK, and how cute is this. Kassie's cute friend Sariah Stewart from church writes a 'newspaper' for her family journaling. This was her entry for this week ~ so adorable:
Chalks Moving
-Sariah Stewart
The Chalks who were (and still are) very good friends to the Stewart's are moving back to America. Everyone claims that they will miss the Chalks and that once they leave, hope to see them again. Today was suppose to be Kassie & Stephen's last day at church but Stephen was sick. They are planning to go back next Sunday ( a week before the rest of there family ) before church with there aunt and uncle. After church today a linger longer was set up for Shanon, the Kester's and the Chalk's. Stephen and his dad ( who was taking care of him during church ) showed up for the end of the linger longer. Although, Stephen stayed in the car where his friends came to meet him. When the Chalk's leave, they will return to there home state, Texas. The Chalks will be missed here in Switzerland!